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Message from our Founders

We the founders welcome you to the sanctuary.
Over twenty-five years ago, we had a vision for the Sanctuary.

That it would be a place of stillness that would speak to the stillness in everyone.

That it would be a place of beauty, that would speak to the beauty in everyone.

That it would be a place where people would thrive.

Where they would grow in self- awareness. and in social awareness.

A place of personal growth and development.

We are very happy to invite you
to come…
to stop…
to stay a while…

so that we can surround you with love and with care, as you surround us.


Short History

The Sanctuary is a meditation centre for social change in the heart of Dublin City. It is a charity founded by Sr. Stan Kennedy and Síle Wall in 1998, long before meditation or mindfulness was on the tip of everyone’s tongue.
Most importantly, it was inspired by their own personal practice of contemplation and meditation and its ability to sustain them in their work.
The Sanctuary originated with a focus on personal well-being; and indeed continues to do so for people seeking and searching on their life journey.  


The Sanctuary has evolved organically over the years to include mindfulness programmes for schools, programmes for carers and those working in the frontline services of society.
Moreover, it offers tailored programmes for commercial organisations, charities, workplaces and management teams.
All our courses are inspired by a deep and heartfelt wish and mission to nourish personal growth for greater social impact, ultimately helping to create a more resilient and just society.

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Our Partnerships


Community Meditations


ONSITE Monday Meditation 11am-12pm

ONSITE Monday  Meditation 6pm-7pm



ONLINE Wednesday Meditation 7.30pm-8pm


ONLINE Thursday Meditation 1.15pm-1.45pm 

Zoom Link

Programme Highlights

Warrior Programme


A special programme designed for Youth workers or anyone who wishes to work with children aged between 12-18.
Our training is a full week long and aims to up-skill teachers with comprehensive knowledge of mindfulness for children

Comforting Hands

Caring for the Caregivers Programme


Our tailored programme is designed to help careers deal with the every day stress, pressure and emotional toll of working in a demanding environment.

Highlighted Courses and Workshops 

Healing in nature programmes

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