Mindfulness Teacher Training

Train to Teach the Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)
The Sanctuary offers a comprehensive teacher training pathway that follows and adheres to the Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland Guidelines and the BAMBA Guidelines for good teacher training practice.
The Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC) is recognised as an eight-week course in the MTAI Good Practice Guidelines and MTAI and those trained to teach it are eligible to join both listings.
If you have completed the Sanctuary’s ‘Being Present’ course or the Mindfulness Association’s Level 1 Being Present course or have completed the first year of the University of Aberdeen’s MSc: Studies in Mindfulness programme, you can join the teacher training pathway at the Introduction to Teaching Skills weekends.
What is the Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)?
MBLC – 8 week course
The Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC) is a weekly mindfulness course and a lower intensity version of the Mindfulness Association’s Level 1 Training – Being Present
It is an 8-week course consisting of eight classes, which are typically two hours long, preceded by an introductory class before the eight week course begins and concluded by follow up class after the eight week course ends. A day of mindfulness practice is also typically included between weeks 6 and 7.
The weekly themes are:
Introductory Session – What is Mindfulness and Why Practice It?
Week 1 – Start Where We Are
Week 2 – The Body as a Place to Stay Present
Week 3 – Introducing Mindfulness Support
Week 4 – Working with Distraction
Week 5 – Exploring the Undercurrent
Week 6 – Attitude of the Observer•Day of Practice
Week 7 – Self-acceptance
Week 8 – A Mindfulness Based Life
Follow Up – The Rest of Your Life
The Teacher Training Pathway
4 Weekends of In Depth Level 1 Mindfulness Training
This 4 weekend, in depth training is spread out over a nine month period and aims to enable participants to establish an effective and regular daily mindfulness practice so as to help our minds to settle and stabilise. One of the distinctive qualities of this training is the kindness and compassion practices that are woven throughout. It is ideal for beginners; however, it is also for those who have previous experience of mindfulness and who want to develop their practice and for those who might go on to train to teach mindfulness.
NEW Dates:
Part 1 – 8th August, 22nd August, 5th September, 19th September (2023)
Part 2 – 3rd October, 17th October, 31st October, 14th November (2023)
Part 3 – 28th November, 12th December, 9th January, 23rd January (2023-2024)
Part 4 – 6th February, 20th February, 5th March, 19th March (2024)
***These weekends are also taught as an online course, every second Tuesday evening starting August 8th/2023
(see booking button below)
2 Weekend Introductory Teaching Skills
Our Introductory Teaching Skills course, takes place over two weekends and aims to support participants to begin developing a safe and effective mindfulness teaching practice.
This course:
provides participants with opportunities to lead guided practices and enquiry with fellow participants in a safe environment. Feedback is from self, fellow participants and tutors.
takes place over two weekends spread out over a three-month period and aims to support participants to begin developing a safe and effective mindfulness teaching practice.
emphasises the requirement for participants to be able to embody mindfulness and compassion while teaching mindfulness training courses. The key skill is learning to stay fully present as you lead guided practices and enquiry. This skill depends entirely upon a sustained and regular personal mindfulness practice.
10th & 11th June (2023 after Being Present Hybrid)
26th & 27th August (2023 after Being Present Hybrid)
5 day MBLC Retreat (2023 after Being Present Hybrid)
The MBLC Teaching Skills Retreat is an in-depth training retreat over six days exploring each of the stages of the MBLC 8-week course. There is a strong focus on participants getting ‘hands on’ experience of delivering course. Participants meeting the advanced beginner level of the Mindfulness Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC) will be awarded a certificate of readiness to teach the MBLC at the end of the retreat.
To teach Mindfulness MBLC you can join our Teaching Skills Retreat, on completion of the Introductory Teaching Skills. It is an in-depth training retreat over five – seven days exploring each of the stages of the MBLC 8-week course. There is a strong focus on participants getting ‘hands on’ experience of delivering course.
This course explores the rationales behind the practices and the way they fit together as a whole.
Feedback from participants and tutors on this course is given with reference to the domains of the Mindfulness Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC), which are explored during this retreat.
Live sessions delivered by the participants will be self-assessed by the participants and discussed with tutors who will also make an assessment. Participants meeting the advanced beginner level of the MBI-TAC will be awarded a certificate of readiness to teach the MBLC at the end of this retreat.
Successful completion of this retreat provides participants with all they need to begin to deliver the MBLC 8 week course.
Monday 4th to 8th December (2023 after Being Present Hybrid) – BOOK HERE
***If you have already completed Level 1 Mindfulness with the Mindfulness Association in the UK or the 1st year of the MSc: Studies in Mindfulness with the University of Aberdeen, you are eligible to join the teacher training at the 2 weekends of Introductory Teaching Skills.
***If you are a mindfulness teacher, for example in MBSR or MBCT and would like to train to teach our 8 week Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC) you will need to complete an MBLC 8 week course or attend at least weekends 2 and 3 of the Level 1 Mindfulness training in order to familiarise yourself with aspects of the MBLC curriculum which are not present in MBSR or MBCT before completing the MBLC Retreat.
To see how we meet MTAI Good Practice Guidelines, please click here