Take Mindfulness to the next level
These Courses are for people who want to take mindfulness to a next level.
Our Programmes
Mindfulness Association
Being Present - Pathway to Mindfulness Teacher Training
This course has been broken down into smaller modules over a year and a half, you can bring the knowledge you learn into practice in your daily life.
DCU Level 9 Module
Mindfulness for Professionals
This course is run over 6 months. It is designed for professionals who will be using mindfulness in their practice. It is a Level 9 certification so acceptance to the course is required from DCU.
Beehive School - John Doherty
Applied Spirituality for Professionals
Online and onsite training over 9 months to take your spirituality to the next level and apply it to your professional career.
Warrior Teacher Training Programme
Train to Teach the Warrior
Our signature onsite of training to become a teacher for young people and help them implement spirituality into their daily lives.
Healthcare service program
Caring for the Caregivers
Our signature 1/2 day / Full Day or 6-8 weeks program designed for carers to relief stress and being able to deal with emotional challenges in work.
School mindfulness program
Awareness Day
Try our 1/2 day program designed for primary or secondary school kids.
It takes place on the Sanctuary site with our facilitators and brings mindfulness closer to the classroom.