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Introduction to Mindfulness

Curious about mindfulness, want to reignite your practice or drop into practice to just be present?

25 euros
Stanhope Street

Service Description

Take a morning to appreciate the nature of the wandering mind. Explore how breath, the body and movement can broaden our awareness to be more present in the now, while supporting the mind to settle. Join us in community to practice mindfulness in a guided sitting practice to quieten the mind. Experience how a body scan can ground us in the present moment. Take time to reawaken the senses as we mindfully walk with nature. Share in reflections around cultivating moments of ease in our everyday lives. Mindfulness is about consciously paying attention to what is happening in the present moment with an attitude of kind curiosity and acceptance. It can support us to pause, helping us to be less reactive to what is happening around us. Mindfulness can give us space to respond in more helpful ways supporting our well-being and in turn supporting others. No experience is necessary, everyone is welcome. Day & Date: Saturday, 21st September 2024 Time: 10am – 12pm

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Stanhope Street

    Stanhope St, Dublin, Ireland

    +353 (0)1 670 5419

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